14 Arcs to Unitive Justice

In Unitive Justice Theory. 14 structures found in a punitive justice system are compared to 14 structures of Unitive Justice that have no punitive elements. This theory and these Arcs provide a practical path from punitive justice to Unitive Justice—Justice as Love. They also give structure and sustainability to Unitive Justice, making it relevant and applicable in diverse settings.

You view a detailed chart with the 14 Arcs and their structures here.

Individual Transformation—Be the Change

Arc 1: Rules to Values

Arc 1: Rules to Values

Rules and punishment are mutually supportive; they go together. Values inform others of who the people in the community inherently are, and of the level of humanity at which they choose to live.


Arc 2: From Control to Self-governance

Control is a territorial concept that is temporary, fleeting, and unpredictable. Self-governance depends on oneself alone. It involves no physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual threat; it involves no compulsion.


Arc 3: Deception to Honesty

In punitive systems, deception is often encouraged and rewarded. In Unitive systems, honestly is the foundation for interactions, particularly when dealing with conflict.


Arc 4: Judgment to Insight

When we move from a place of judging to a place of curiosity, we gain new insight about situations that may change our perspective and create a new understanding and connection.


Arc 5: Distrust to Trust

Here we move from relationships filled with distrust to relationships built on trust.


Arc 6: Self-Doubt to Courage

When our worldview changes to a view based on duality, or separation, to one based on unity, or oneness, we recognize and honor our shared humanity.


Arc 7: Proportional Revenge to Lovingkindness

Here we move from “an eye for an eye” systems to systems where we treat others the way we would want to be treated—the Golden Rule found in many sacred texts.


Community Transformation—Discovering Our Shared Humanity


ARc 8: Self-Interest to Community

In this Arc, we move from self-interest to a wider focus on community, and in doing so, we find ways to make the world better for us all.


Arc 9: Hierarchy to Inclusion

Move from a system based on superiority and entitlement to a system where inclusion in the norm.


Arc 10: Punishment to Connection

Instead of using punishment as a driving force, connection is fostered so people want to help and support each other.


Arc 11: Compliance to Mutually beneficial Action

Solutions move from solutions created for the people involved to mutually beneficial solutions created with the people involved.


Arc 12: Event to Context

Here we move from a limited view of an event to see the broader picture—the underlying context in which the event occurred.


Arc 13: Opposition to Synergy

When we move from opposition to synergy, we can create something much more meaningful by bringing our separate parts together to create something new.


Arc 14: Fear to Love

Every time we forget to act out of love, we act out of fear. In this Arc, we move our actions and reactions from being fear-based to being centered in love.